
Partial or complete dentures replace your natural teeth and provide support to your cheeks and lips, allowing you to enjoy healthy food and smile confidently. Dentures are made of acrylic and designed to look like natural teeth and gums, ensuring a comfortable fit.


Replacing missing teeth

Dentures are an excellent solution for those with missing teeth. They replace lost teeth and improve the aesthetic appearance and functionality of your smile.

Custom-made solutions

Our team creates individually tailored dentures for each patient. Using modern technology and materials, we ensure a comfortable and precise fit.

A durable and aesthetic solution

Dentures are made from high-quality materials that provide long-term use and maintain an aesthetic appearance with proper care.

Making dentures

We create dentures in collaboration with a dental laboratory, based on multiple impressions of your mouth. The type of denture chosen determines the number of visits needed.

How many visits are needed?

For a partial denture, usually three visits are sufficient, while a complete denture requires five visits. After receiving your denture, we will schedule a follow-up to ensure it fits well and that you are satisfied.

"Our expertise has helped many patients restore their smiles."

How is the denture fitting process?

Consultation and planning

The process of making dentures begins with a consultation with your dentist. Our experts will listen to your needs, examine the condition of your teeth and mouth, and determine the best solution. Based on this information, we will develop a plan for creating dentures tailored to your needs.

Mouth impression

Following the planning, we take an impression of your mouth. Using a special material, we will accurately capture your gums and teeth, which will serve as the basis for creating your custom dentures. These impressions are sent to the laboratory where your dentures will be made.

Fitting and adjustments of dentures

Once your dentures are ready, you will meet with your dentist again. This step is crucial to ensure the dentures fit your gums and mouth properly. Adjustments will be made if necessary to ensure comfort and functionality. Our team will also advise you on proper care and maintenance of your dentures to keep them in optimal condition.

Experienced team of experts

Our experienced team of dentists brings extensive knowledge and expertise, ensuring safe, effective, and individually tailored aesthetic transformations for your smile.

Quality materials

We use the highest quality materials, ensuring the longevity, stain resistance, and natural appearance of dental veneers.

Modern technology

Using advanced technology and digital planning, we create dentures accurately and quickly, reducing the overall treatment time.

Follow-up and support

Our team will provide comprehensive follow-up and support throughout the entire process to achieve the desired outcome.

Patients love us

... and their new smiles! 🙂

Tina and Barbara are friendly, attentive and professional. My sincere rispect. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t in a hurry to go home. Thank you and I wish you lot of success!
Picture of Boris M.
Boris M.

Modri zob Nova Gorica

A clinic where you feel that your well-being and health truly matter. Friendly, professional, modern equipment. I highly recommend it!
Picture of Tomaž S.
Tomaž S.

Modri zob Ptuj

The prices are higher, but the quick assistance is invaluable. They relieved the pain and strived for pain-free treatment. We hope for a successful outcome! 🙏😊
Picture of Sara Š.
Sara Š.

Modri zob Ptuj

Very friendly staff, relaxed atmosphere and quality service. Reliable enough that I gladly return even from abroad. I highly recommend it!
Picture of Gaja K.
Gaja K.

Modri zob Ptuj

Expert holistic advice, friendly staff, and modern equipment. I am very satisfied with the service and happily recommend it to others.
Picture of Greg P.
Greg P.

Modri zob Kranj

I have been regularly visiting Modri zob for several years now and wouldn’t change them. Friendly, flexible and understanding. Excellent, highly recommended to everyone! 👍😊
Picture of Tjaša B.
Tjaša B.

Modri zob Kranj

Answers to frequently asked questions

Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth and the surrounding tissue. They can be partial, when only a few teeth are missing, or complete, when all teeth are missing. They are made from acrylic or metal and are designed to be worn comfortably while looking as natural as possible.

Yes, our dentures are made from premium materials and are custom-fitted to your mouth, ensuring comfortable wear throughout the day.

The time required to make dentures depends on the type and complexity of the case. Generally, it takes a few weeks to complete and fit the dentures to your needs.

For partial and complete dentures, careful handling is crucial. When cleaning them, do so over a towel or a sink filled with water to prevent damage if dropped. Dentures should be cleaned thoroughly twice a day, and rinsed after each meal is recommended. Clean your dentures outside of your mouth, using soapy water and a soft-bristled brush. Avoid regular toothbrushes and toothpaste as they are too abrasive for the denture material. Clean all surfaces and hard-to-reach areas thoroughly. Store complete dentures in a glass of water or a special denture solution. Chemical and enzymatic cleaning agents can be used as an addition but not as a substitute for regular daily cleaning.

The average lifespan of dentures is 7-10 years, depending on maintenance. Even though most dentures last over 10 years, older dentures can accumulate bacteria, causing oral problems. Over time, the shape of your jaw changes, and the old denture may no longer fit the hard and soft tissues. Often, dentures can be repaired and restored, but when that’s no longer possible, a new one is made.

Dentures are a long-term investment, so it’s advisable to use the highest quality materials and techniques. The cost of dentures depends on the complexity of the case and the materials used. Your dentist will explain the details specific to your case.

Implants are a modern alternative to both partial and full dentures or can be used to stabilize dentures. They provide a more secure feeling since the dentures do not move on their own. As a replacement for partial dentures, implants are placed where teeth are missing, and porcelain crowns are cemented onto them.

Complete dentures can also be securely attached with implants, especially in the lower jaw, where even two implants can significantly improve the stability and comfort. Especially while moving or chewing.

When you start using a new denture, it will take some time to get used to it. It’s recommended to wear it continuously for the first week, only removing it for a short time. Continuous wear helps you adapt to the denture faster. If the denture causes significant discomfort and the mucosa becomes inflamed, visit your dentist as soon as possible. They will adjust the denture to relieve the sore spot. Sometimes, this process needs to be repeated a few times.

Initially, you may need some time to adjust to new dentures, but you will quickly get used to them. Soon, you will be able to speak normally and enjoy your meals without difficulty.

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