Teeth whitening

Over the years, teeth naturally lose their whiteness or become stained. This is usually due to the consumption of coffee, tea, or smoking. Some people naturally have darker teeth or have stains from childhood or from taking various medications.


Experienced professionals

Our professionally trained dentists and hygienists will use their expertise, knowledge, and skills to restore your bright smile.

Safety and efficiency

We use only proven teeth whitening techniques and methods, ensuring a safe and effective procedure without causing damage or sensitivity.

Personalized approach

We understand that each person's needs are unique, so we always tailor the whitening process to your desires and needs.

Why whiten your teeth?

Teeth whitening is a procedure used to remove stains and restore the natural white color of teeth. Natural factors such as consuming colored foods and drinks, smoking, aging, and inadequate oral hygiene can cause teeth to lose their shine and become less attractive over time. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental services because it provides a more confident and appealing smile.

Will the difference be noticeable?

Teeth whitening is a non-invasive method to brighten your teeth in a very straightforward way. The results vary depending on the tooth structure, but on average, teeth can be whitened by 2-3 shades, resulting in noticeable differences. Whitening is suitable for people of all ages who do not have fillings or crowns on their front teeth, as these do not whiten. The whitening results last 2-5 years and depend heavily on dietary habits and other lifestyle factors.

"Noticeable and long-lasting difference."
beljenje zob

How does teeth whitening work?

Consultation with an expert

The first step in teeth whitening at Modri Zob is a consultation with an expert. During this step, you will discuss your desires and goals regarding teeth whitening with our experienced dental team. We will also check the health of your teeth and gums to ensure you are a suitable candidate for the whitening procedure. Our team will answer all your questions and provide a detailed explanation of the process.

Individual plan

In the second step, we will prepare an individual teeth whitening plan for you. Based on the condition of your teeth, your desires, and needs, we will determine the most appropriate whitening method. At Modri Zob, we understand that each person's needs are unique, so we guarantee a customized approach that best suits your needs. This plan will give you a clear idea of what to expect from the whitening process.

Home teeth whitening

We use a home whitening method that involves a lower concentration of peroxide. The process takes longer, with results appearing in 7 to 10 days. For this method, we first make an impression of your teeth to create a plastic tray that fits your teeth perfectly. At home, you fill this tray with a low-concentration peroxide gel and wear it for a few hours daily or overnight. Teeth whitening can take up to 3 weeks to achieve the desired tooth shade. We also photograph your teeth before, during, and after whitening, so you can compare the transformation of your smile.

Experienced team of experts

Our experienced team of dentists brings extensive experience and knowledge, allowing for safe, effective, and individually tailored teeth whitening for each client.

Advanced technology and tools

At Modri Zob, we use the most advanced whitening gels and technology to ensure the best teeth whitening results without unwanted side effects.

Customized approach

Each client is unique, so we prepare a customized whitening plan that considers individual desires and needs, ensuring optimal whitening results.

Safety and health care

Dental health and safety are our top priorities. We take care to protect your teeth and gums during the whitening process, performing procedures according to the highest standards.

Long-lasting results

We provide long-lasting teeth whitening results that you can maintain with proper care. Your bright teeth will stay white even after the procedure, providing long-term satisfaction.

Pleasant experience

Our friendly team ensures a comfortable and positive experience at Modri Zob. We strive for excellent service and your satisfaction with every visit.

Patients love us

... and their new smiles! 🙂

Tina and Barbara are friendly, attentive and professional. My sincere rispect. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t in a hurry to go home. Thank you and I wish you lot of success!
Picture of Boris M.
Boris M.

Modri zob Nova Gorica

A clinic where you feel that your well-being and health truly matter. Friendly, professional, modern equipment. I highly recommend it!
Picture of Tomaž S.
Tomaž S.

Modri zob Ptuj

The prices are higher, but the quick assistance is invaluable. They relieved the pain and strived for pain-free treatment. We hope for a successful outcome! 🙏😊
Picture of Sara Š.
Sara Š.

Modri zob Ptuj

Very friendly staff, relaxed atmosphere and quality service. Reliable enough that I gladly return even from abroad. I highly recommend it!
Picture of Gaja K.
Gaja K.

Modri zob Ptuj

Expert holistic advice, friendly staff, and modern equipment. I am very satisfied with the service and happily recommend it to others.
Picture of Greg P.
Greg P.

Modri zob Kranj

I have been regularly visiting Modri zob for several years now and wouldn’t change them. Friendly, flexible and understanding. Excellent, highly recommended to everyone! 👍😊
Picture of Tjaša B.
Tjaša B.

Modri zob Kranj

Answers to frequently asked questions

Teeth whitening has been around for over a century, using various substances over time. About half of them used agents that oxidized the “colored” organic substances in the teeth, while some contained corrosive or even toxic ingredients like potassium cyanide.

Today, teeth whitening is generally harmless under normal conditions. It is essential to entrust this service to professionally trained healthcare workers in dental offices, preferably dentists.

The teeth whitening process is usually painless. In some cases, people may experience slight sensitivity, but this is temporary and usually subsides quickly.

The teeth whitening process typically takes about one to two hours, depending on the chosen whitening method and the individual needs of the client.

Interestingly, most of us start with healthy and white teeth, but various factors affect them over time. The care we provide is crucial (except in cases of injury). The basis for lasting beauty is oral hygiene, and certain procedures, such as whitening, can add the finishing touch. This trend, which enhances our appearance, is becoming increasingly popular.

Despite diligent hygiene, everyday use of our teeth eventually leads to wear and staining from various sources. Consuming colored foods and drinks and smoking gradually darken the natural color of our teeth, and aging also contributes. It’s important to note that there are individual differences in natural tooth color, as some people naturally have lighter teeth than others.

Teeth that are yellowed due to aging, smoking, and/or coffee consumption usually whiten easily.

External whitening is mostly done with hydrogen peroxide. It penetrates the enamel and dentin and decolors the pigments (organic molecules) that have accumulated over time. We apply it as a whitening gel on the teeth, protect the gums beforehand, and let it work for 15 minutes when activated by light (which increases the gel’s effectiveness by raising the temperature). During one dental visit, we can repeat these 15-minute sessions up to four times.

Certain conditions must be met for external whitening. Teeth and gums must be healthy and teeth must be professionally cleaned thoroughly before whitening, which includes scaling and blasting. Due to the higher concentration of peroxide used in professional external teeth whitening, we must ensure precise protection of the gums to prevent chemical burns during the process.

Whitening can also be done at home so-called whitening trays. These are clear trays made based on an impression of your teeth, fitting them precisely. You apply whitening gel inside the trays and wear them while sleeping. The procedure is repeated 7-10 times, achieving the same effect as in-office whitening with a lower concentration and longer exposure time.

Immediately after whitening, teeth may be sensitive to cold, but this issue typically resolves within a week of stopping the whitening. During the whitening process, it is not recommended to consume highly pigmented foods (such as beets, pumpkin oil, etc.).

The teeth whitening procedure can be divided into whitening healthy teeth (those with nerves) and whitening darkened, non-vital teeth (those already treated and without nerves). The latter are whitened from the inside, where the nerve used to be, as the cause of the discoloration is in that space. We insert a hydrogen peroxide-based whitening gel into the darkened tooth and replace this insert at one-week intervals. After up to three replacements of the whitening insert, we usually achieve the desired tooth brightness.

Healthy teeth are whitened externally, usually focusing on those visible when smiling. They can be internally and/or externally stained. External staining of healthy teeth is typically due to stained dental plaque (dental calculuc) from food or smoking. We simply remove the stained plaque from the teeth with special tools and sandblasting.

Internal staining, which results from aging and the mentioned pigments, as well as some medications or medical conditions, requires whitening. In this case, the enamel and underlying dentin are stained.

There are numerous commercial products in the form of gels, pastes, solutions, and chewing gums claiming to whiten teeth. Most of these products contain peroxide as the active ingredient. The higher the concentration and the longer it works, the whiter the teeth.

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